Did you know that June is “Professional Wellness Month”? You might be wondering, “What does wellness have to do with organizing?” Plenty! I can’t tell you how often I hear my clients tell me how much better they feel after we have completed an organizing project. They feel lighter, less stressed, relieved and happier! How can organizing help you? Here are a few articles that might inspire you.
Shape Magazine’s “How Cleaning and Organizing Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health” lists seven ways on how getting organized can help your health. Another helpful article is Aetna’s “Organize Yourself For A Healthy Lifestyle.” This article shows how you can even use your organizing skills to help you eat better. Finally, CNN writes about how an organized mind and healthy habits go hand-in-hand in “Organize Your Mind to Organize Your Life.”
The articles above list ways getting organized can help you stay healthy. However, if someone in your family falls ill, are you prepared for a medical emergency? Do you or your loved ones know where your medical paperwork is? Do they know who your doctors are? Do you have Advanced Medical Directives?
In Spry Publishing’s blog “Get Organized: Managing Your Paperwork” one of the authors, a professional organizer, gives helpful tips on strategies you can use to organize medical paperwork. Patient Resource’s Managing Cancer-Related Paperwork breaks down the paperwork by categories. If you aren’t sure what kind of medical information you should keep, check WebMD’s “Health Care: Health Insurance and Affordable Care Act” as well as the LiveStrong Foundation’s “Organizing and Keeping Important Information.” Please note that even though some of the titles of these articles address specific illness, the organizing strategies would be the same whether you are healthy or have different health issues.
Here’s to your health!